Download tubifex worms fish food
Download tubifex worms fish food

However, worms usually contain a relatively high amount of fat, so they should not be on the aquarium inhabitants' menu on a daily basis. Even many snails do not say no to a juicy worm. Worms are a very good restorative food for fish and invertebrates such as shrimps, large-armed shrimps, crabs and shrimps. Water quality during the research for the values of temperature, pH, Dissolved Oxygen (DO) are still in a reasonable range.Beitrag teilen: Worms as live food in the aquarium for fish and co The highest the growth of length obtained in the treatment P45F1 (stocking density 45g and frequency of 1x1 days) is 1.47 cm and for growth of population is highest in treatment P55F2 (stocking density 55g and frequency of 1x2 days) is 41661.33 ind / 0.098 m2.

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The highest growth of biomass was obtained in treatment P55F3 (stocking density 55g and Frequency 1x3 days) is 185.67 g / 0.098 m2. The results of the study, indicating that the stocking density and feeding tofu with different frequenci es no significant effect (P> 0.05) on the growth of biomass, population and the growth of length silk worms. The data observed in the form of biomass growth, population, length growth and quality of water. The treatment in this treatment: P45F1: stoking density 45 g and Frequency 1x1 days, P45F2: stoking density 45 g and Frequency 1x2 days, P45F3: stoking density 45 g and Frequency 1x3 days, P55F1: stoking density 55 g and Frequency 1x1 days, P55F2 : Solid Tebar 55 g and Frequency 1x2 days, P55F3: Solid Tebar 55 g and Frequency 1x3 days, P65F1: stoking density 65 g and Frequency 1x1 days, P65F2: stoking density 65 g and Frequency 1x2 days, P65F3: stoking density 65 g and frequency 1x3 days. This research was conducted by an experimental method using a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial with 2 factors and 3 levels of treatment and repeated three times. The material used is silk worms obtained from collectors.

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The media used in the research is a mixture of mud, dung quail, pulp, bran, sand and EM4. This study was conducted in 26 March to located at Jln.

download tubifex worms fish food

This study aims to determine the effect of stocking density and feeding tofu to a different frequency on the growth of silk worms. Silk worms are one type of live food favored because it has nutrients that are good for the growth of fish larvae.

Download tubifex worms fish food